
Why BabySafe NZ®?

Every year too many babies and toddlers die from preventable causes such as SUDI (Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy), Shaken Baby Syndrome and unintentional injury. Understanding the risk factors that contribute to these causes can help prevent such a tragedy from happening to whānau.

We created BabySafe NZ with the goal of improving healthy outcomes for babies by transforming how education is provided and retained. Our commitment to putting baby safety front and centre informs everything we do.

Our core values

We support

By creating an environment of trust where learning can be had without fear of judgement.

We empower

By providing the tools and information to allow families to make informed decisions.

We nurture

By cultivating a learning environment that is more enjoyable, encouraging and community centred.

We protect

By being aware of and dedicated to cultural, social, physical, psychological and environmental safety we can improve and save lives with our messaging.

We are inclusive & respectful

By welcoming, valuing and honouring diversity with dignity and empathy towards everyone we interface with.


A huge thanks to everyone who has provided advice, guidance and support for BabySafe NZ to date. Your incredible generosity will support parents, whānau and communities to keep New Zealand babies safe.